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Biking Around

Going for a bike ride can be very relaxing but also great exercise. Going on a casual bike ride is always fun but becoming good at biking...

Hit the Ground Running

Although I am a swimmer, I have recently started a new sport, running. I have always enjoyed hiking and the occasional jog, but running...

Zenned Out on Yoga

Becoming involved in yoga is easier than it looks. It is an easy activity that you can do that can either take five minutes or an hour...

Close Up Kayaking

Being out on the ocean can be extraordinarily calming. Especially when you are so close to the water you can lean over and touch it. The...

What's Great About Surfing

Surfing is one of the hardest sports I have tried but for sure the most rewarding. In California, swells can get up to eight feet high...

The "Excitement" of Fishing

When most people think of fishing they usually do not think of it being much fun, and until I was thirteen years old I would have agreed...

Get Great at Golfing

Everyone of all ages can play the game of golf. Although it can be frustrating, going out and playing a great round of golf is extremely...

Swim, Swam, Swum

The list of benefits of swimming at any level would make anyone who has ever swam a yard in their life feel better about themselves. From...

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