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Zenned Out on Yoga

Becoming involved in yoga is easier than it looks. It is an easy activity that you can do that can either take five minutes or an hour depending on how you feel. It is based on how your body feels and what you feel you can accomplish in the time you have. You also start to see improvements to your everyday life as soon as you start. Although it is not a cardio workout, there are many benefits to yoga such as becoming more flexible, calming the mind, and improving energy levels.

Becoming more flexible helps in many aspects of every day life. Athletes have to work to become more flexible to prevent injuries and better perform. Along with performance, yoga helps athletes remove lactic acid faster which decreases recovery time. Even outside of athletics, becoming more flexible decreases the chance of getting injured and makes cardio and lifting weights easier. Participating in yoga allows a person to ease into the process of working out and can become a workout in itself. Yoga is also known to increase core strength and help people lose weight by improving balance and stamina.

Participating in yoga helps you to relax and calm your mind in minutes. You do not need a huge routine that you stick to constantly to zen out and relax. Sometimes spending five to ten minutes stretching can help you become calm and more productive with your

day. Other times you might have had a stressful day so you spend more time working on balance and calming the brain while sometimes you might want to go to a class to have further instruction to help you become better at yoga. It is all about what you want to do and how you do it. This aspect of yoga benefits athletes as well. Clearing out all the noise helps think about your sport and the aspects of it without distractions.

Calming down and becoming zen also improves energy levels. Getting up and doing yoga in the morning helps a person ease into their morning and wake up before having to go to work, school, or practice. Allowing yourself time in the morning or the afternoon allows someone to become in touch with themselves and think about their day before executing it. Since yoga also has the physical aspect of stretching it also helps you not to become cramped up doing the day while sitting at a desk. The more movement you have during the day the healthier you will feel and more productive you will become. Improved energy levels makes a long day seem shorter which everyone strives to do.

Starting to do yoga in your everyday life has many benefits mentally and physically. Setting time aside to focus on you and your body allows you to be more in touch with yourself which allows for more productivity and less injury. Next time you feel cramped up or bored, try to do a little bit of yoga and see how it affects you.

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