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Biking Around

Going for a bike ride can be very relaxing but also great exercise. Going on a casual bike ride is always fun but becoming good at biking and participating in triathlons is thrilling. Of course most people only bike when the weather is nice and there is no ice on the ground. But on a hot summer day, it is the perfect activity.

There are many different types of bikes. Some are for riding on unpaved roads while other bikes are meant for racing on a paved street. The biggest difference between the two is the type of bike that you get. If you are riding on the street then your bike will be lighter and the tires will be narrower. If you are riding on gravel or unpaved roads then you will want a mountain bike which is heavier and has thicker tires. The thick tires cause the bike to not tip over because of stray pieces on the ground. I have a mountain bike because I usually like to ride the Rock Island Trail, which is mostly unpaved.

Some people like to bike to work instead of driving. It is efficient and considerably fast. This is definitely more popular in a city in the south because it is warm most of the year and there is no sitting in traffic. Many people who bike professionally do not think that their work is far away enough to get a good bike ride in because they usually bike around 400 miles a week. In the future, I would love to bike to my work so I do not have to take a car, and if I can bike to work is will probably mean that I live somewhere warm.

Riding a stationary bike at the gym is a great way to get better at biking for the summer months, especially when you live in a state that only has four nice weather months. Although a stationary bike is not as enjoyable as a bike ride, using settings to vary difficulty is easy to do and gives you a great work out. When I go to the gym I enjoy biking when my legs are sore but I still want to get a workout in. Stimulating climbing and coasting down hills gets the thighs burning pretty easily.

Whether you are riding on a street or up a mountain, inside or outside, going around the neighborhood or to work, biking is really good exercise. The nice thing about biking is that it only has to be strenuous when you want it to be so you can go out with friends and family and still have a good time or pedal hard and get really good exercise in.

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